Product Images

Product images are displayed on your Webshop to let your customers know the look and feel of your product. Here we describe the process to easily upload JPEG images.

Uploading variety images

To upload variety images go to the Manage Products Page from your main application.

Home / Production / Product Management / Manage Products:

Select the following filters for a faster search of the varieties and click on the Search button in the upper right corner of the page.

  • Compounds: Non Compounds

  • Status: Active

Here you find all the active varieties that are currently in your main application.

Click on the variety name in the Product column.

Clicking on the variety name brings up the Product Form

On this page, select the Images tab and click on the Upload File button.

Find the JPEG image saved in your PC and open it.

Save the uploaded image, clicking on the Save Button from the Product form.

The images uploaded are synchronized to your Webshop.

Last updated