Payment via Stripe
Credit card payments are now possible for your Webshop customers via Stripe. Stripe securely validates you buyers credit card payments and performs the transaction on behalf of your company.
Get the API Keys in your Stripe Application
Get the Pubishable Key and the Secret Key inside your Stripe Application.
Find the API Tab and hit the button: "Reveal live Key Token" and "Secret Key" and copy the keys from the pop up window.
Give this Key to your webshop support person in order to integrate both applications, Unosof and Stripe.
Activating Credit Card Stripe Payments for a Buyer
To activate Credit Card payment for a Buyer go to the Manage Customers Page from your main application.
Home / Customers / Customers Info / Manage Customers
Select the Billing Customer, by clicking on its name
Clicking on the customer's name brings up the Customer form.
Select the tab ACCOUNTING, find the option "Stripe Webshop Checkout" and select ACTIVE. Click on the Save Button to save changes.
The customer we updated the setting will be able to pay with Credit Card after Checking Out from the Webshop.
Last updated